Labels:text | screenshot | font | number OCR: G Command Prompt D:\>axpalign Bipha AXP alignment fault exception control Usage: axpalign (option ] options: /enable to enable alignment faule exception#. /disable 'to 'disable alignment fault exceptionc. /show to display the current alignment exception setting: Enablo alignment fault options; In this node any aligned access to unaligned data will result in a data micalignment exception and no automatic operating system fixupe will occur: The application may be terminated or a debugger can be ased to locate the source of alignment faults in your code. This Getting applies to all running processes and thus care chould The taken since older applications may get exceptions and terminate. Note : that . SetErrorMode <SEM_NOALIGNMENTFAULTEXCEPT> can be used to supprest alignment exceptions even in this mode. Ditablo alignment fault exceptions: This is the default mode with Windows NI for Alpha OXP, versions 3:1 and 3.S. In this node the operating system will fixup any misaligned data .accesses .should they occur and applications or debuggers will not tee then. This may lead to performance degradation if it .occurs at a high rate. Perfmon or uperf may be used to monitor the rate. Figure 3 AXPALIGN